Permanent Afghanistan Occupation Planned: Stephen Lendman

America came to stay. Accelerated withdrawal claims reflect subterfuge. Washington officials and media scoundrels don’t explain. Msinformation and illusion substitute for reality. Reuters headlined “Obama, Karzai accelerate end of US combat role in Afghanistan.” “Obama’s determin(ed) to wind down a long, unpopular war.” The New York Times headlined ‘Obama Accelerates Transition of Security to Afghans.”… Continue reading Permanent Afghanistan Occupation Planned: Stephen Lendman

Apartheid Israel will collapse by 2020

A Russian political commentator says Israel is implementing an apartheid system in the occupied Palestinian territories which will most likely lead to its collapse by 2020. Heydar Jemal, the chairman of the Islamic Committee of Russia, made the remarks in an interview with the Russian service of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting last week. “In… Continue reading Apartheid Israel will collapse by 2020