The Munich Security Conference

The Munich Security Conference held in Germany last week. Envoys and politicians from different countries participated to exchange viewpoints and negotiate about different issues of the world particularly about the related international security issues.

This conference is 50 years old and was designed in 1963 during the cold war, since then Munich hosts this conference annually dated from February 1st to 3rd.

The main objective of the Munich Conference was to bring the NATO member countries together to consult and negotiate about the conflict between east and west. But now this conference with a small change in its objective and role has changed to a chance for politicians and envoys to participate from countries with different viewpoints and approaches and sometimes opposite.

The issues of globalization and security policy were more discussed in this round of Munich conference and more than 70 African countries out of approximately 400 participants had attended beside the newfangled powers like India, Brazil and China.

Wolfgang Ischinger the chairman of the MSC said “The MSC has become a tool to ponder the political security transmogrification of 21st century.”

He added the objectives of this gathering beside the perpetual security policy issues are like the climate change and the cyber security.

However different international conferences are hold at regular intervals but it seems there is a strong need in exchanging views about security policy regarding the security transmogrifications which are happening in the globe.

The most important issues of this conference were the crisis in Syria and Mali and the nuclear conflict of Iran.

Experts say this conference gives the possibility to member countries, international and nongovernmental organizations to gather together and discuss on international threats threatening the global security.

No decisions are to take in this conference and the participants have this chance to discuss informally on hypothesis and new viewpoints.

The MSC which was designed to gather the NATO member countries, but now it more looks like a place for western countries to plan their objectives in different fields in the world. From the other side the main challenge of such conferences is how much the powers of the world care about issues of these conferences out of their strategic policies.

Plans and programs in different parts of the world which had severe and devastating crises as aftermath, like crisis in Syria.

These plans usually are with unilateral actions of mostly western countries which their main aims are to fulfill their interest and sovereignty over the world.

By Tamadon TV Political Group


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